Approval of Biocidal Active Substances
Review of Biocidal Active Substances Under Regulation (EU) No. 528/2012
Active substance and product-type combinations for which an application for approval has been submitted under BPD or BPR are listed on the ECHA webpage. The ECHA List of Biocidal Active Substances contains "existing" active substances and "new" active substances. For approved active substances, the list provides a link to the corresponding legal act. There is also a link to a factsheet that refers to the Assessment Report and further non-confidential data, where available.
Active substance with outstanding approval have the status "under review".
Our Expertise at Your Service
Our Biocides team has submitted numerous BPD dossiers on more than 25 existing biocidal active substances, including substances of key importance for the biocide sector.
Since the dossier deadline for the fourth and last list was in October 2008, the current focus of our work on active substances is on the defense of submitted dossiers. This also includes dossiers which have not been prepared by SCC.
Do not hesitate to contact us if, during the evaluation of your dossiers, critical issues are raised by the Rapporteur Member State or if a refinement of your exposure and risk assessments is required.
For new active substances, we can help you on any aspect of dossier preparation, from data gap analysis through planning and monitoring of studies to dossier writing, including the performance of risk assessments.