Registration of Chemicals in China – China REACH
In April 2020, China's Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) adopted a new regulation on chemicals, the MEE Order 12 (Measures for the Environmental Management Registration of New Chemical Substances) which came into force on 1st January 2021. The new regulation, also known as China REACH, replaced the MEP Order 7. One of its focuses is on highly hazardous substances (PBT/CMR) due to their (eco)toxic potential.
Together with our cooperation partner in China, we have been supporting for many years registration projects in the field of New Chemical Registration, according to the Article 11 of Measure for Environmental Management of New Chemical Substances (Order No. 7 of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, MEP). The MEP was later renamed to the MEE.
At present, one of the unique features of the Chinese chemical regulation is the mandatory requirement that at least one designated ecotoxicity study in each tonnage band needs to be performed in China. With our hands-on experience in the international notification of complex substances and our partner’s in-depth familiarity with China’s current regulatory environment, we are well-prepared to help our customers notify their chemicals in China.
Our Services for Chemicals in China
We carry out the entire notification process from preparing the required documents and studies up to submitting the completed notification to the Chinese authorities. We also make sure that all studies are conducted strictly in line with the Chinese regulations and, if required, directly in the country.
Our services include:
- Data gap analysis
- Study assignment and monitoring (physico-chemical, toxicological and ecotoxicological studies)
- Preparation of notification forms
- Translation into Chinese
- Submission follow-up work
Please contact us to learn how we can guide you through the notification process of your chemicals in China.